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Broadcast Voicer  

Upload: 09 Jun 2023, 20:07
Created by: Fed-cap [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

This is a framework mod I made, to make my mod Voiced Radios & TVs compatible with Survivors Radio.

This mod is perfect for adding ambiance and realism to the game. For instance, if you wanted to make a custom scenario and had a custom radio or tv program for worldbuilding, you could voice the lines and add them with this mod.

How To Use

To use this mod, you'll have to make at least 4 files on media folder:

  • lua/client/RadioCom/{Mod}_SoundTable.lua --A file that links the guid of an entry line to a sound of the game
  • radio/{Your_Radio}.xml --Your radio or TV lines
  • scripts/sounds_{Mod}.txt --A file that associates .ogg sounds to InGame sounds
  • sound/{SoundName}.ogg --Your sounds, can be music or voice lines.

The names of the files are just a convention to avoid compatibility issues with other developers who might want to use this framework, I'll advice to name your files with your mod's name.

First, add .ogg sounds to the sound folder, for instance news-1.ogg

Then, add the sound to the game in the scripts folder.

The mod does not align the audio to the text, so If you want the text and audio to sync, you will have to go to your lines in media/radio/{Your_radio}.xml, and add time tags ( ${t=3.00}) like this:

<EntryLine ID=abcd ...>${1.00}This Line lasts 1 second</EntryLine>

I recommend using an audio editor like audacity to get the duration of the lines in seconds.

Next, make the sound table.lua file. It should look like this:
local RadioWavs=require "RadioCom/RadioWavs"

Where abcd is the ID of the entry line, and news-1 is the name of the sound in the game.

Finally, run the .py script. It should copy the GUID from the lua to the codes attribute (needed to work,don't worry, it doesn't affect the codes)

In, you should add a require=VOICE_FRAMEWORK line.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.