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Worse Vehicle Condition (build 41) HARDCORE DIFFICULTY ONLY!!!  

Upload: 15 Jun 2022, 12:25
Created by: planetalgol [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Worse Vehicle Condition (build 41) HARDCORE DIFFICULTY ONLY!!!

With this mod vehicles can, randomly, spawn with broken and missing parts, making finding or assembling a working vehicle more challenging, but not impossible.

This is inspired by the Mad Max and Escape From New York desolate wrecked post apocalypse style, as well as CDDA.

This is a mod that deliberately increases the difficulty of the game, and as such, is intended for experienced players looking for more of a challenge in their playthroughs. If you are new to Project Zomboid, or are easily confused or frustrated, please do not use this mod.

Copyright 2022 planetalgol. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named planetalgol, or with the copyright holder's explicit permission.

Redistribution of this mod without explicit permission from the original creator is prohibited under any circumstances. This includes, but not limited to, uploading these mods to the Steam Workshop or any other site, distribution as part of another mod or modpack, and distribution of modified versions.

If you enjoy this mod please consider tipping the creator:
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Copyright 2022 planetalgol. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named planetalgol, or with the copyright holder's explicit permission.

Redistribution of this mod without explicit permission from the original creator is prohibited under any circumstances. This includes, but not limited to, uploading these mods to the Steam Workshop or any other site, distribution as part of another mod or modpack, and distribution of modified versions.

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