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Revive Your Friends  

Upload: 26 Jul 2022, 12:19
Created by: internetzspacezshipz [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Revive Your Friends

Allows you to revive people you're playing with when they die using the context menu (right click on someone who's incapacitated to revive them. You must be nearby in order to do it).

When in the incapacitated state, they cannot move, but they also cannot be killed.

Ideally to be used with DropOffWhiteListAfterDeath on a server in order for small coop servers to be able to play in a more engaging "permadeath" run, without individual players ending up dropping out and being left out of the rest of the game (even more of a problem if you're the one hosting the server).

Also recommend turning off the "drag down to feed" option, as this will always instakill you without offering a incapacitated phase.

There are several available options for this mod in sandbox settings:

IncapTimeMinutes - minutes in game time that the player will take before dying.
IncapRegenTime - the amount of time that it takes for the player's incap time to be full again (in game minutes) (think of it as a bar that regenerates when you are alive.)
IncapHealth - the amount of health for the incap state to trigger (10% is default. If it's set too low, you could die before the incap state activates).
ReviveTime - how long it takes in game time units (I have no idea what time frame this actually is) to revive.
ReviveTimeFirstAidTimeSubtraction - how many time units each level of First Aid subtracts from ReviveTime (should be a maximum of 1/10th of ReviveTime, else you'll have instant revives. You do the math)
ReviveFirstAidXPReward - how much First Aid XP the reviving player gains for doing the revive.
PostReviveHealth - how much health you get on revival (defaults to full health. Keep in mind the player does NOT heal all wounds)
DisallowActionsWhileIncapped - whether or not the incapacitated player can do actions such as heal or move inventory items while in the incapacitated state.

1. most of the time, the incapacitated player does not sit down when in the incap state when they should.
2. if the incapacitated player leaves the server and rejoins, they will not be able to be revived (maybe more of a feature than a bug, since this prevents players from disconnecting in order to wait for rescue)

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