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Jump Through Windows  

Upload: 14 Aug 2022, 19:22
Created by: AbraxasDusk [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Jump Through Windows

Have to get away in a hurry? Just jump through a window!

When sprinting, you'll automatically vault through windows in your path.

Careful though! If the window is closed it's probabaly gonna hurt...



26 Jul 2022
1 246

This is a complete re-write of CocoLiquidOverhaul with optimized functions "overwrite" letting mod creator add custom fuel container item to the game by adding only Tags to the items.

The only cure BETA - UI update

The only cure BETA - UI update

14 Aug 2022
1 691

I introduce you the only cure. The saw. If you apply the saw to the infected area before the infection spreads too far into your body. The infection will go away and you can resume your life as normal!

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