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Clean Ashes  

Upload: 05 Aug 2022, 11:46
Created by: Tommo [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Clean Ashes

Bring sweeping into the 21st century and (partially) free yourself from the tyranny of the context menu.

You must have a broom or shovel (thanks for pointing that out Derrick da Fox) in your inventory. Right click any ashes on the ground, select Clear Ashes, click away.

41.71. Not sure of multiplayer compatibility. This uses the vanilla action to clean, so if cleaning ashes up in vanilla works in multiplayer, this should too.

You can put this in a modpack.

z GreenFire-2-LGR Patch

z GreenFire-2-LGR Patch

26 Jul 2022

This patch fixes the compatibility issue between Green Fire and Snake's Mod Pack (Le Gourmet Revolution, specifically), allowing players to sow cannabis seeds. This patch also changes LGR tobacco to GF tobacco.

Meditation 3 MB


31 Jan 2023

Meditation comes with a trait called "Yogi" that gives a +1 bonus to Lightfoot (making yogis move a bit quieter). All of the other effects of this mod are locked to players with this trait by default; however, in sandbox options, you may allow everyone to meditate exactly as yogis do!

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