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Improvised Bandage (Build 41+)  

Upload: 02 Aug 2022, 11:55
Created by: alex :D [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Improvised Bandage (Build 41+)

This mod introduces a simple way of improvising using the already improvised ripped sheets to create slightly better dressing for your bodily needs.

Take 6x Ripped Sheets in your inventory and turn them into an improvised bandage that is as half more effective at healing in comparison to ripped sheets.
Figured it would be too good if recipe only costs 2 of ripped sheets so I have increased the cost of material to 6 to even the balance.

This is my first attempt at modding Project Zomboid and I would appreciate any kind of feedback.

Planned features: Mod settings, Fixed sink interaction

Named skill VHS tapes

Named skill VHS tapes

03 May 2023
1 134

Renames all VHS tapes to include the skill level. This removes the need to consult the wiki or Steam manuals when looking for suitable VHS tapes.

Slow Consumption

Slow Consumption

28 Dec 2022

Tired of constantly having to change the empty battery in your flashlight? Or finding a new soap or lighter to replace the empty one? Or even changing colored light bulbs too often?

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