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Hopewell, KY (English)  

Upload: 09 Aug 2022, 09:34
Created by: Alfa-Z 343 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Hopewell, KY (English)


Dylan's Tile Pack
throttlekitty's tiles
Fantasiado's More Street Details
Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles

Hopewell is a small town located east of Louisville. It was initially modified shortly before the zombie outbreak of 1993, with the aim of hosting the upper classes of Louisville, in an epidemic that the governments already saw coming. Despite everything, the evacuation never took place, due to the speed with which the virus spread in the US.

In this map, which is my first, my intention was to create a completely self-sufficient, surviving city that could sustain itself without the need for any outside help.


-Small city located east of Louisville, with little (almost none) zombie population. Ideal to start a game in Louisville, but without a lot of zombies at your door.

-Uses the tiles 49x11, 49x10, 49x9,50x9,51x9. (As far as I know it does not interfere with any other existing map)

-Support with Ingame map and foraging areas.

-With custom spawn points by profession and generals in the city.

-With car spawn points in the city's parking lots.

-Some secret buildings that do not appear on the map to be discovered

-It is fully compatible with the "Trimble County Power Station & La Grange" map, and it is recommended to play it with it.


-If you have already visited the area, you will need to restart the game for it to appear.

-All required mods are mandatory, without them many map tiles will be missing

Thanks to:

AtoxWarrior: For his great tutorials on how to start mapping.
SnakeModding: For helping me with specific doubts about the Ingame map and others.
PZ Community: (Especially to Dylan, Daddie Dirkie, throttlekitty, and fantasized for their tiles) For some buildings and occasional help.

The Walking Dead Project - Pack 34 MB

The Walking Dead Project - Pack

13 Aug 2022
3 493

The Walking Dead Project-Pack is the result of years of hard work. Using the scenes from the famous TV show, I faithfully recreated the various locations, even paying attention to the details in the rooms, as you can see from the pictures above.

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