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LETMS Framework  

Upload: 25 May 2022, 16:03
Created by: Lezvin [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
LETMS Framework
Introduction of Project LETMS
<Lezvin's Extended Tank Module System>

All LETMS Vehicle need this framework to make sure they work properly.

5.8: Vehicle inspection is now on! Press "I" for inpection of the vehicle, showing its damages, its history and its feature!
5.4: Added a 70% chance to kill the occupant when the LETMS vehicle is disabled
4.25: Add Ricochet for LETMS vehicle

Press I to open the inspection interface.

The Project LETMS aims to provide players with a comprehensive experience with modern vehicles, for the newer variation among the other common vehicle mods in the workshop.

Project LETMS introduce you to:

• Modularized vehicle body, module damaged will trigger respective events
• Built-in ricochet (Only for LETMS vehicle)
• IN-PROJECT reasonable and balanced configuration of the vehicle
• Every single vehicle has easily-distinguished features

Universal LETMS vehicle system features:

1. Universal Armor Module: When destructed, it could only neutralize damage and has no other effects, also it is the only module that is unrepairable.
2. Turret Module: When destructed, the rotation speed of the turret will be reduced to 0% - 30%, this is fixable
3. Observation Module: When destructed, your first person FOV would get extremely restricted, severe attack could completely wipe out your first person camera, also it is repairable
4. Ammo Rack Module: When destructed, 0~2 shells would randomly explode, reload time improved, repairable lol
5. Engine Module: When destructed, your moving speed would be reduce to 0%~30% and you would loss your acceleration speed. Repairable
6. Fuel Tank Module: When destructed, differed as the damaging status, vehicle would take 5~100 damage per second. Severe attacks would cause 1~3 damage per second to passenger directly, repairable

Automatic Fire Extinguisher Module:

NOT DESTROYABLE, when vehicle health does not completely turn to 0 and still have 10% of overall, the vehicle would gradually recover to 37%

UI design: 2042's Bug
Balance Designer(All vehicle in this project): 昏睡猫猫Sleep Cat_C
English Text Copywriter: usaMi_DocRyan

Vehicle Exit Mutator 15 KB

Vehicle Exit Mutator

25 May 2022

Ever wanting to charge a flag with an APC, but the only firepower you have is the autocannon and the MG, while you have 4 other peeps lazing around and you want them to help?

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