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Maria Outfit for Ashley v1.42  

Upload: 27 May 2023, 17:52
Created by: raidergale [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.42
Maria Outfit for Ashley v1.42
You were gonna just leave me? With all these monsters around? I'm all alone here. Everyone else is gone. I look like Mary... don't I? You loved her, right? Or maybe... you hated her.

Update 1.42: fixed issues with the body disappearing in certain cutscenes for the Casual version of the mod. Also added the ability to use hair strands with this mod (it will simply load Ashley's normal hair and not the strands version, while all other characters will keep their strand hair)
Update 1.41: fixed some visual glitches regarding the skirt and hair in the Casual version of the mod. Thanks NSACloud for the suggestions. Added an optional black skirt&choker addon for the Casual version of the mod.
Update 1.4: added a proper version replacing Casual outfit. Also includes dyed hair tips and makeup addons by default. Will only work with addons marked as "Casual". Not fully tested, so it might have bugs.
Update 1.32: added an optional add-on to replace the Casual outfit instead. Not fully tested, so feel free to report any bug!
Update 1.31: fixed a small issue in the final Chapter 15 cutscene.
Update 1.3: added purple nail polish to get closer to Maria's original look.
Update 1.2: added some rings to more closely resemble Maria's original look.
Update 1.1: added properly categorized add-ons for hair and makeup. If you already downloaded the add-ons before, you don't need to update unless you want a more organized mod list in Mod Manager.

This mod will replace Jacket Ashley. It will not work on Default Ashley, since there's no sweater version available.
Base body by alphaZomega, Maliwei777 and TechMiller, Maria clothes recreation by Killi4n.

If you like my mods, please consider tipping me on Ko-Fi 


  1. Download Fluffy Mod Manager
  2. Put the .rar file in the Games/RE4R/Mods folder
  3. The mod should now show up in the "Ashley" section of Mod Manager
  4. Flip the switch next to the mod name to install it.
  5. Enjoy!


  1. Flip the switch next to the mod name again to uninstall it
  2. Delete the .rar file from the Games/RE4R/Mods if you don't need it anymore


Maria Outfit for Ashley
Maria Outfit for Ashley - Makeup Addon
Maria Outfit for Ashley - Hair Addon
Ashley as Maria - Black Skirt and Choker Addon

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