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Not so casual Leon  

Upload: 23 Jul 2023, 08:07
Created by: Tzarev [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Not so casual Leon
Forces Leon to run around shirtless (He also has body hair now too)
Replaces his casual/everyday outfit.
Use Fluffy Mod Manager to install the mod.
Make sure to set textures and meshes/objects graphics options on max so it works as intended.
I had to edit his default head model to be properly connected to the body. So keep it mind.

Any mod affecting his default head (jacket, jacketless, casual, hero costumes) and casual costume's body/textures will conflict with this mod.
Hope you like my version of him <3

v.1.1: Gave him a higher density model for his torso to reduce the weird shading happening during certain cutscenes.
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