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REimagined Tomb Raider - Legend Version  

Upload: 23 Nov 2023, 16:58
Created by: DarkLegendAoD [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
REimagined Tomb Raider - Legend Version

REimagined Tomb Raider - Legend Version
This mod replaces Leon with Lara Croft from Tomb Raider, now with additional female Animations from Seperate Ways

Included Outfits are:
Jacket - TRL Classic Aviatrix
T-Shirt - TRL Classic
Mafia - TRL Biker
Hero - TRL Sport
Villian - TRL Catsuit
Casual - TRL Winter No Jacket
Romantic - TRL Default
RPD - Brown Pants 


Download Fluffy Mod Manager
Draw & drop the file into Fluffys Mod Manager
The mod should now show up in the "Leon" section of Mod Manager
Click on the mod name to install it.


Click on the mod name again to uninstall it.
Delete the .rar file from the Games/RE4R/Mods if you don't need it anymore


- The Ponytail clips through her Backpack, will fix in future updates
- Face doesn't have all facial animations only her Eyes will move and Blink
- Shotguns & Machine Guns will sometime clip through her Boobs
- Turn OFF Strands
- Don't Equip Bulletproof Vest, it will make her body invisible
- The Knife is rotated the wrong way when doing some melee finishers
- Cartwheel Melee won't connect for some reason 
- Customize Addons only work for these outfits

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