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Luis over Leon with Animations and Sounds  

Upload: 28 May 2023, 16:23
Created by: FenTheOtter [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Luis over Leon with Animations and Sounds

Thanks to Zky on the Modding Haven Discord for helping me with the face!!!

This mod replaces Leon with Luis, including most of his animations and sounds. The only glitch I know of is that a weapon will float a bit away from his pants. I tried to fix that and I couldn't yet, but if someone does, feel free to tell me! I haven't tested the full game with this mod, so if any bugs are encountered, let me know so I can try to fix them!

Other glitches:
Untextured face during some cutscenes and stuff (I'll fix it eventually)
Only does one of his Merc melee animations (afaik) and it has no impact sound
Luis' shoulders and back clipping through his jacket in the jacket costume

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