Anakin Skywalker
Mod replace The Jacket , No Jacket and Tactical Vest costumes.
Before Anything do the follow steps:
-You will need to download Fluffyquack's mod manager
-Make sure you dont have any mod installed over The Jacket ,non jacket and tactical vest costumes
Here is a list of things that were update on the mod:
-Added proper materials to the body (Such as Metal , Leather , Rubber Leather, Metal)
-Fixed the Eye position from Anakin
-Fixed the Shiny hair
Credits to:
Fluffy Quack (For his wonderful mod manager tool makes it very easy for modder to make and use mods)
alphaZomega, mariokart64n (Autors of the Script for 3DS Max)
Zero (for his help and many tips)
Mangakadeniz (Tips and Beta Testing)