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Resident Evil 4 Remake Chainsaw Demo Titan Ganados  

Upload: 28 Mar 2023, 20:59
Created by: EXQRAY [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chainsaw Demo Titan Ganados

Actually this is just a showcase for my unique mod, actually I dont wanna release it, but since one of my friend request so I just release this to public, so enjoy and have fun xD

Mod Features :

Rescale all Ganados like 5 times more bigger than a normal ganados

Installation :

Use Latest FluffyQuack Mod Manager

Credits :

* CAPCOM for Outstanding Games
* FluffyQuack for Mod Manager
* Praydog for RE Path Dumper and RE Framework
* AlphaZomega for RSZ Template

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