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Ryu Anims  

Upload: 30 May 2023, 16:36
Created by: Jetstream Dan [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Ryu Anims

Replaces a variety of Leon's combat animations with animations from Street Fighter 6's Ryu.

Changed animations:
- The melee animation after headshots is now the Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
- The melee animation after knee shots is now the Donkey Kick
- The grenade throw animation is now a Hadouken
- The knife hold pose is now Ryu's parry stance
- Perfect parries and projectile deflects are now Ryu's middle and high parry animations respectively (complete with directional variants)

If you want to take out some animations you can delete specific motlist files in the mod folder.

Here's a list of what file handles which motions:

- cha0_general.motlist.663 contains all of Leon's kick animations
- cha0_wp5000H.motlist.663 contains the knife hold and parry animations
cha0_wp5400H.motlist.663 contains the grenade throw animation

Only deleting specific animations like the Donkey Kick and keeping the Tatsu is not possible because they are part of the same motlist.

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