Bolt Thrower Projectiles Enhanced v1.0c
Improves Bolt projectiles to fly faster, further, crit, or increase damage. Change mines to increase blast range and power.
Enhanced :
-Triple Bolt Speed
-No gravity effect on Bolt thrower - bolts fly straight
-increased distance before vanishing
Balanced :
-Double Bolt speed
-half gravity for twice the range
-increased distance before vanishing
Vanilla Variants:
Also benefits from increased accuracy.
-Critical: Only changes the critical chance of standard bolts. Bolt Physics are not changed.
-Speed: Raises the speed of the bolt projectiles by 2.5x . Fired projectiles take longer to vanish. Gravity is default.
- Damage: Multiplies damage of bolts between 3x - 17x. (DO NOT UPGRADE DAMAGE AT MERCHANT. IF YOU DID SELL BT AND BUY BACK OR IT BOOST MAY NOT WORK)