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[FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time  

Upload: 22 Jun 2023, 11:44
Created by: FrozenSnowFox [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
[FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time

This mod patches all defs with the <filth> field, first it removes all existing tags then it adds tags so filth vanishes in 14-15 days and washes away with rain/snow. What does this mean? It means every type of filth in the game and every type of filth added by mods should vanish with rain/snow and disappear after 14-15 days (in vanilla this is typically between 35-50 days). As a result with this mod rain/snow will now clean your map and any areas that are undercover, forgotten and not cleaned for a long time will eventually become clean on their own.

The following types of filth and more will now be washed away by rain/snow and vanish over time.

Animal Filth
Rock Rubble
Building Rubble
Scattered Slag
Scattered Sandbags
Machine Bits

Note: In vanilla some filth types such as blood, corpse bile, dirt, firefoam and a few other things already vanish with rain/snow.

RT Fuse

RT Fuse

22 Jun 2023

Researchable (RT Mods research tab) electric fuses to mitigate short circuits. When placed anywhere on a power network, each fuse will safely discharge up to three of network's batteries, mitigating or preventing the explosion.



23 Jun 2023
1 036

Your colonists can never be a true Rambo if they cannot gun while they are running. Therefore, this mod adds a mode that, when enabled, allows drafted colonists and NPC pawns to shoot while moving at the cost of an accuracy and movement penalty .

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