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Utility Columns  

Upload: 26 Jun 2023, 16:37
Created by: NEPH [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Utility Columns
To improve your halls and rooms!

Adds several types of utility column.
All columns hold up the roof, beware of possible roof collapse when moving.

Orbital Trade Column
Acts like an Orbital Trade Beacon, and lights the area, perfect for warehouses.

Sun Column
Acts like a big sun lamp, and keeps the room temperature, perfect for greenhouses.

Frozen Column
Acts like a big cooler, and keeps the room temperature, perfect for fridges.

Sacred Column
An ornamented burial column for the honored dead.
Designed to keep a dead person for many years.

Light column
A simple mobile column, just lights the area.

Crystal light column
A simple mobile column, more beautiful and luxurious than light column.

Cluster Column
An advanced column for base defense.
Upon detecting an enemy in any direction, it will detonate a highly explosive cluster charge into the same direction.

Flame Column
An advanced column for base defense.
Upon detecting an enemy in any direction, it will detonate an incendiary bomb charge into the same direction.

Pulse Column
An advanced column for base defense.
Upon detecting an enemy in any direction, it will emits a strong pulse and flash into the same direction.

Archo Column
An ancient archotech platform, repurposed as a column.
Consumes plasteel to repairs all equipable items in nearby stockpile area.

Supports Royalty Column Room Requirements!
Acquired by Research

- Utility Columns
- Defence Columns

EGI: Holograms and Projectors

EGI: Holograms and Projectors

21 Jun 2023

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21 Jun 2023

Adds sandstorms, which naturally occur on desert and arid shrubland maps. Functionally very similar to snow and rain, but breaks outdoors electronics rather than short-circuiting them.

Power Tab 2

Power Tab 2

21 Jun 2023

This is an overhaul and continuation of Compilatron's Power Tab mod, remade with the author's permission. This version functions much the same as before, but does so with zero overhead, requiring no harmony patches or any ticking components.

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