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Animated Interactions SKSE (SE/AE)  

Upload: 10 May 2023, 20:23
Created by: Monitor144hz [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Animated Interactions SKSE (SE/AE)

Heya peeps, it's been a while. This is an interaction mod I've been cooking slowly over the past week during my breaks, and I'm quite happy how it turned out.


- Animated animations for pickup: the player will have height dependant animations for taking items. 

        - For example, Taking something high on a shelf will use a different animation
         compared to taking an item on the ground.

- Container interactions for looting corpses/chests/furniture. Skyrim Souls RE is highly recommended, but not required.

- Animations for interacting with doors, like NPCs have.

- All non-menu interactions are blended to movement, so they do not lock you in place, and you can move while picking stuff up.

- Configure height dependant animation thresholds in ini.

- Change animation speeds in ini file. For realistic, weighty animations use a low or default speed multiplier. For fast, realistic animations use a high multiplier.



Nemesis Behavior Engine 

Address Library For SKSE Plugins

1. Download and install mod, activate plugin.

2. Run Nemesis and tick patch, update engine, launch.

3.  Done. 

4. Tweak ini to change animation speed and selection.

Paired Animation Improvements 2.8MB

Paired Animation Improvements

04 Nov 2023

A SKSE plugin that lets annotated events in paired animations work like in normal animations. Also causes the game to create synchronized animation bindings on demand, freeing up a few hundred animation slots for use by animation replacers. Supports SE/AE/VR. Open source.

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