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Payload Interpreter v1.0.1  

Upload: 11 May 2023, 10:56
Created by: dTry [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Payload Interpreter v1.0.1

SKSE plugin that allows runtime interpretation of animation payloads.


Address Library for SKSE Plugins    
Project New Reign - Nemesis Unlimited Behavior Engine

For mod users:
If you're here because this mod is some other mod's requirement, just download it. This mod does nothing on its own and it doesn't bite.

Install using MO2, run the nemesis patch and you're good to go.

For mod authors:
Refer to the documentation on github.

DK for DKUtil
Ryan for clib
People of RE discord
Distar for the behavioral patch and his constant harassment
绝伦少年 for the cover image

Paired Animation Improvements 2.8MB

Paired Animation Improvements

04 Nov 2023

A SKSE plugin that lets annotated events in paired animations work like in normal animations. Also causes the game to create synchronized animation bindings on demand, freeing up a few hundred animation slots for use by animation replacers. Supports SE/AE/VR. Open source.

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