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Body Health System v3.4  

Upload: 17 May 2022, 08:53
Created by: Favkis_Nexerade [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Body Health System v3.4

Adds head, torso, arms and legs health system.


Update v3.4:

Fixed some medicine not working.

Removed some debug keybinds.

Enabled bunch more medicine.

Moved bandages to temporary because of how OP they are (because cheap) and after being bitten in arm or get shot, simply bandaging isn't enough (if you need more logical reason). If you want bandages to still be converting medicine, change medkits.bandage= to --medkits.bandage= and --healhelp.bandage= to healhelp.bandage=.

Update v3.3:

Fixed bug with wrong healing item preview if exited looting menu while was focused on healing item.

Now if one arm is broken, you can still use all slots if weapon weights less than 1.7 KG. (Basically pistols, but some very light weight SMGs might be used too)

Update v3.2:

Fixed medicine preview not working peoperly.

Damage now deals to correct hitbox if hitbox is found.

Update v3.1:

Fixed survival kit not having temporary time set.

Update v3.0:

Added proper HUD, can be toggled with H between minimal (shows only bars and their background without decorative texture) and full.

Hovering mouse on medkit/healing item now will show on HUD what that item will do.

Text version of HUD can be installed optionally.

Some small changes to healing items.

Update v2.3:

Fixed issue with armor doing nothing.

Torso, head and condition text now have red color like limbs when at low health.

Update v2.2:

Just small quick update, added larger HUD version.

Update v2.1:

Now you can choose placement of UI, default as it was before, for maximum compatibility, or bottom-left where default HUD is. Incompatible with mods that replace ui_custom_msgs.xml.

Added new settings.

Also added vinca to post healing items and increased temporary health time for medkit, military medkit and scientific medkit.

Update v2:

Healing items now heal parts of body. (You can disable this if you change healingitems=true to healingitems=false at the head of script.)

Controls and info:

  • H key toggles HUD/switches minimal/full mode.
  • Head - Head health, if it goes to zero, you die.
  • Torso - Torso health, if it goes to zero, you die.
  • Arms - There are two bars close to each other for each arm, if one of your arms goes to zero, you'll drop items you holding right now in your main slots, however you can still use knife/pistol, so, carry a pistol there. If both of your hands go to zero, you wont be able to use all 3 slots.
  • Legs - There are two bars, one for each leg. If one of your legs goes to zero, you wont be able to run (standard running, not sprint), so you'll have to move slowly or crouch-walk. If both of your legs go to zero, you'll be able only to prone or slow crouch walk.
  • To restore body part health points, sleep in bed or use medicine. One hour in bed restres 1 health point, so get yourself enough water and food if you want to heal this way. (You can also enable auto regeneration if you want.)

Healing items info:

  • Healing adds health points for limited amount of time, you need to take some post healing measures to convert temporary health points into static health points, such as using bandages as fixation for injured muscles, or using tablets to ease work of nervous system.
  • Some harsh medicine can be harming (it wont remove your health points, however it may convert your static health points into temporary)

Medicine info:

First aid:

Morphine, The Rebirth, Adrenaline, Cocaine, Diclofenac sodium, Metamizole, Stimpack, Military Stimpack, Scientific Stimpack, Medkit, Military Medkit, Scientific Medkit, Tourniquet, Survival Kit, Bandage.

Post healing items:

Caffeine tablets, Psy-block, Sleeping Pills, Hercules, Anabiotics, Small Glucose Shot, Large Glucose Shot, Metamizole, Diclofenac sodium, Tetanus vaccine, Vinca, Yadulin, Akvatabs, Chlortetracycline, Sulfadimethoxine, Etperazine, Anti-rad, Cystamine, Potassium iodide, Antidote, Radioprotectant.


At the top of player_injuries.script file, there are some settings:

  • regen - time in milliseconds of auto regeneration, on example 30000 means each 30 seconds all body parts would get new health point. (0 by default)
  • damagescale - multiplier of damage dealt to body parts. 0.5 would make your body parts recieve only 50% of damage, that does not changes default damage/health at all, only changes amount of damage dealt to body parts. (1.0 by default)
  • easyhealing - first aid restores blue health, disabled temporary healing mechanic. (false by default)
  • hide_if_healthy - hides all but condition status bar if all parts of body are at maximum health. (false by default)
  • show_player_name - show player name above condition bar. (true by default works only in text HUD)
  • healingitems - allows healing items, such as medkits to restore body parts health. (true by default)


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