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Quick Companion Teleport [1.5.1]  

Upload: 22 May 2022, 15:55
Created by: RazorShultz [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Quick Companion Teleport [1.5.1]

This mod allows you to bind a custom key in the main menu, called "kb_tp_companion", which will teleport your companions to your side instantly.

You can go into the Settings and Keybinds to choose your key. If you go up a ladder or jump onto some building, now you can take your companions with you. Or if they're standing in your way, you can move them.

Please note if they are fighting or chasing someone, sometimes the game does not let you teleport them. Also, if you are in a different map to them, you cannot teleport them.

Compatibility patch included if you also use my other mod "Quick Scope Equipping", so use that version if you do!


Conflicts with ANY mod which gives you a ui_keybinding.xml file, but conflicts are easy to solve. This mod uses the bind custom23, you can simply edit this line into your existing ui_keybinding.xml file, by adding the line above/below a previous keybind.

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