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(Old World) OPRAnim & ChaseReanimastered 13  

Upload: 06 Nov 2022, 18:06
Created by: JadeyMoyaison [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
(Old World) OPRAnim & ChaseReanimastered 13

A straightforward addon containing 2 weapons that I animate independently for Old World Addon.

Get Old World first. And install this on a 1.5.2. folder for good measure.

OPRanim (Old World P90 Reanim)

I animated this gun to simply fix an animation issue with the base weapon. In the last few frames of the partial reload animation, the gun is offset to the middle, which reverts back to the original.

Changes from the original counterpart:
- New animation set with properly made partial reload animation.
- Completely removed casing ejections to prevent it from not behaving realistically.
- The reticle now uses Anomaly's red dot shader. This is just an attempt to make the reticle glow at night as well as not making it glued to the sight.

Installation Notes:
(1a) make the texture of the reticle larger, allowing you to see your enemy clearly.

ChaseReanimastered 13 (Chaser 13 Reanimated and Remastered)

1.5.2. brought an issue with tube-fed shotguns such as this piece. When anm_add_cartridge is played, the hands and shell (or the entire gun) aren't synced. This can easily be patched by setting anm_reload_open, anm_add_cartridge, and anm_reload_close's accrue and falloff values to 10.

Changes from the original counterpart:
- All of the shotguns use the same animation (with the exception of Trapper's shotgun which requires a right-hand repose)
- Made the Crippled variant better by assigning the texture to the base Chaser and exporting it. I also removed the ejected shell particle.
- Toned down the RPM because of the shell ejection acting weirdly with high RPM.

Installation Notes:
(2a) simply make the RPM faster, but not originally fast. Take note that the shell ejection might act weird like before, especially the Trapper version.

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