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DJ Heavy - Zona Sessions 0.1  

Upload: 12 Nov 2022, 11:48
Created by: 30HA [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
DJ Heavy - Zona Sessions 0.1

One of the most lovable goofs became a DJ in the zone. This Add-on provides 20 session files to intermingle with your radio station songs. And surprisingly, for a meme add-on, this doesn't breaks muh immersion that much.


This thing goes in the _channel_1_session or _channel_2_session folders at \gamedata\sounds\radio\ (your choice). It is safe to uninstall at anytime.


First, Gary Schwartz for Heavy's voice acting, then Scruffygamer for Heavy's voice model at Zack Wener's UberDuck. Special thanks to DripKnuckles for advice and testing.

Guide Task fix 6.89kb

Guide Task fix

23 May 2022

Fixes the bug that would cause guide tasks to stop being offered. Also task will be available for a minimum of 1 in game hour now, up to 6.

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