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SxB Fetish Enabler  

Upload: 16 Jul 2022, 08:51
Created by: Ant Cant [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Common question: "How do I enable pregnancy?"
Solution for being lazy and have someone else do the work for you: this mod.

Enables nipples, lactate, spawn liquid semen and ejaculant on climax, allows males to become futanari, allows futanari to impregnate themselves (don't ask me how I don't know), PREGNANCY, and face masks will rondomize color for those who enable the social distancing plugin.

If you are someone who wants the social distancing plugin and still don't want to enable it yourself, an alternate version of the sexbound.config.patch file is available to download as well. Just remove the " - alternate" from the file name so that it replaces the file in the mod when you drop it in the mod folder.

When you INSTALL the mod, extract the folder inside the zip to the starbound mods folder so that your file path looks like "Starbound/mods/SxB Fetish Enabler/.metadata". Anything else is wrong.

Kitty the Space Cat 93.2 kB

Kitty the Space Cat NSFW

15 Jul 2022
3 789

I made this mod adding yet another girl to have sex with in Starbound, This time the girl you get to have sex with is a pink cat lady named Miss.Kitty.

Monster Pheromones 0.2 5.45 kB

Monster Pheromones 0.2 NSFW

15 Jul 2022
4 217

Simple small item mod that forces your pet into participating a sexbound node. The nodes include mind controlled NPCs, Defeated monsters or Sexbound Beds Use by double clicking on desired node with item selected and pet out.

Sexbound 5.12.1 Updated: 15-07-2022, 07:43 10.63 MB

Sexbound 5.12.1 NSFW

15 Jul 2022
18 268

Sexbound is a mod that provides custom artwork, AI, animations, items, objects, particles, SFX, scripts, and an API that can be used by others to create custom sex interactions in Starbound. Alluring Toys Co. mod is included in version 5.11+

Sexbound SFX "Improvements" 4.39 MB

Sexbound SFX "Improvements" NSFW

15 Jul 2022
2 367

These are simple and personal changes I made to the sound files for the Sexbound mod. (Version 3.14.0). I made these changes for myself mainly, but if they work out for anyone else, then that is great!

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