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Starfield FOV  

Upload: 04 Sep 2023, 18:01
Created by: Hellstorm102 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Starfield FOV

Welcome Travelers! 

Change Your FOV!

in your  "Documents/MyGames/Starfield"  create a Text file called StarfieldCustom.ini   or download the provided one and place in same folder

fFPWorldFOV is for first person
fTPWorldFOV is for third person

here is 100 for both : 


Main Menu Terror Tentacles Attack 442.5MB

Main Menu Terror Tentacles Attack

24 Sep 2023

Space can be a very mysterious place and at the same time very dangerous. be very careful if you see a tentacle crawling on the ground, because if you are not careful, you could be the next victim to give birth to millions of tentacles being impregnated day by day and giving birth every moment

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