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STI Style Event Window  

Upload: 22 Dec 2023, 16:31
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
STI Style Event Window

Newly designed event window inpired by STI. If you like it, please upvote. Your recognition is important. Thank you!


  • Newly designed UI layout for event window, as shown in the picture above.
  • The UI design of Star Trek Infinite is unique, and this mod attempts to replicate the design philosophy of STI as much as possible

Requires UI Overhaul Dynamic

UI Overhaul Dynamic [3.10.X]

UI Overhaul Dynamic [3.10.X]

22 Dec 2023
1 660

This mod is specially tailored towards 1920 Ă— 1080 and 2560 Ă— 1440, with some support for UI scaling. 3840 Ă— 2160 users can go up to 2.0 on the UI scaling and 2560 Ă— 1440 can go up to 1.3.

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