(EURO2015) remake1.0 (1x1)
Map from the original BCHZ with changes.
Version for beta test.
Pack 5 single missions for Europe 2015 patch 4
1. Kandahar 1986. Mission about the outpost of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. It is necessary to ensure the safe passage of the rear column and save the special forces group in the mountains.
Sluchai v Ganoe Rashidudin, EUR2015, patch3
Mission from Rashidudin. Europe 2015, patch 3. Quick fight with a squad of militants in the village of Ghana.
Mutiny 2012
Single mission for Europe 2015, patch 1 (RP-mod from Ordos is possible) A new wave of the global financial crisis has swept over Russia.
Test Avia EURO2015
Source map with a test mission, in which aircraft (2 attack helicopters) first appear on the map with scripts, then, after working on targets, land on airfields, and then fly away from the map at an "idle" speed (i.e. without reacting to enemies and without highlighting the cards)