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Polenfeldzug- Fall Wess  

Upload: 19 Aug 2022, 14:01
Created by: Thomas
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Size 512*512 Summer Scenario Tactical Ground Battle Single Player Wehrmacht Sudden Strike 2 Thomas

September 1, 1939, World War II begins with an attack on Poland. The "Case White" (invasion of Poland) was to be used as a blitzkrieg strategy and it was successful, Poland was overrun within 18 days. Although the war started without a prior declaration of war, it was not easy for the Wehrmacht to conquer Poland because Poland was ready for it. Mission: - Conquer all cities, including Warsaw.

Im Westen viel neues 512*512

Im Westen viel neues 512*512

19 Aug 2022

Fall 1944 France The Allies fought back. Your task is to drive all enemies out of the depths! Battle them on land, on water, on rails and from the air against an insurmountable enemy who will demand everything from them.

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