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Upload: 19 Aug 2022, 05:59
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Name: Baeda
Mapname: Burma
Größe: 384*384
SP or MP: Singleplayer
SP : SP Japan/Japan
MP: ----
map: Keine Infos / No info
Version: Sudden Strike 2
Szenario: Sommer/Summer
Kampfart: Massenschlacht/Massbattle
Mod: Kein Mod! / No Mod!

The basis of this is the conquest of Burma by Japanese troops in 1942. This is a massive battle in which it is important to completely capture the map within a given time and where there are less tactical options, but more fun in the foreground. The mission is loosely based on the Alpine Fortress East Misson and the Island 21 map. My auditions often have a bug that has something to do with saving and loading. Hope you get rid of it! Fun to play!

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