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Chopsticks object & accessories for poses  

Upload: 22 Oct 2022, 11:38
Created by: kilhian [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Chopsticks object & accessories for poses

I made three different variations of the chopsticks and they are all in the same object/accessory. The second variation (wood) only has one area recolor, the two others have two areas to recolor or change texture.

The object:
It contains one chopstick only, because I wanted to be able to place two so that wouldn't seem too symmetrical. In the end I didn't used them for the story, but I include them in the download.

The accessory:
Can be used by teen to elder, male and female.
For pose makers who would like to use them, one of the chopstick is attached to the thumb_0 joint, while the other one is attached to index_1. To put them in place, the index has to be rotated towards the thumb. It's the closest position to how you hold chopsticks that I could find.

Japanese Culture Trait 124.7 KB

Japanese Culture Trait

22 Oct 2022

This mod adds a new, custom, hidden trait to help you bring a Japanese flavor to Sims. Why hidden? Alas, it was a very painful decision, but otherwise the game will assign it randomly to new created Sims and that will make no sense.

Japanese Low Dinner Table 177.8 KB

Japanese Low Dinner Table

22 Oct 2022

Where do I start? This mod is embarrassing at some many levels. The title is weird (I didn't know how to call it), the animations suck and I'm not able to do it as I'd really like to. So before I delete it out of frustration I better upload it.

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