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Wicked Mermaids

Upload: 17 Mar 2022, 15:49
Created by: NisaK [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Wicked Mermaids

It pains me to admit that our public education has failed us in such a way that most can do simple math but not everyone know the tale of the succ-succs. Succubi and their male counterpart Incubi are sex demons. They are creatures who feed off sex. In the most classic of stories, they harvest energy by giving people lewd dreams while they sleep. But there is a lot of deviant variation when it comes to defining a succubus. Instead of going on a tangent about succubi representation by various culture and stories, I’ll tell you about my succubi, my wicked succubi.

Wicked Succubi allows your sim to become the sex demon of legend. It’s my first true occult state and the first true occult state modded into any sims game. That is, unlike a pseudo occult state such as Daughter of the Easter Hare, Succubi are tracked by the game’s occult tracker system. Just like other Maxis occult states (Vampires, Witches, Mermaids, so on). In addition, Succubi also have access to a Occult Form, more on that in a bit. Succubi can be either male or female, although canonically they are female. Thus, if you do make a male Succubus then some flavor text will not align.

All Cheats on Money for Sims 4 (Codes 2023)

All Cheats on Money for Sims 4 (Codes 2023)

29 Jun 2023

All about money cheats, and how to use them in The Sims 4. There are a few awesome cheats to use to get money fast in the sims and they are rosebud, kaching, and motherlode! We love simoleons. But there are some cheat codes that aren't as well known that can change your game forever.

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