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Cybernetix Tutorials  

Upload: 18 Mar 2022, 08:37
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Cybernetix Tutorials


Simply purchase the cybernetix vending machine from buy mode ([LN] CYBERNETIX™ Vending Machine) and have your sims purchase one or both of the cybernetix options. 

The HUD is responsible for all of the physical cybernetix and neural network. 

C.R.A.I.S is responsible for anything to do with nanobots.

These will be sent to your sims inventory, where they can then be applied. After applying, your sim will have a new pie menu (either cybernetix or crais) when clicking on themselves.



After buying the HUD and applying it, your sims will have the option to apply physical cybernetix to their bodies.


These cybernetix all have different skill boosts which you can see when you hover over the interaction in the pie menu.

They all also have a tattoo option to replace the physical mesh, as sometimes the mesh will conflict with clothing textures or clip through larger parts of the sim body. Or, if you simply prefer a sleekier, less bulky look

To access cybernetix, purchase and apply the HUD in your sims inventory. After this, they will have a new pie menu when clicking on themselves called ‘Cybernetix’. From here, you can navigate to physical enhancements to choose your cybernetix.


This module can be purchased from the vending machine and adds nanotechnology to your sim. 

These nanobots include; 

  • Temperature immunity 

  • Sickness immunity 

  • Nanobot control over specific needs (Refills need) 

  • Faster skill gain 

Nanobots and Cybernetix will need to be upkept in order to keep them in good working condition and to avoid cyberpsychosis.
Your sim will receive moodlets as their cyberware deteriorates and they can simply just go to a cybernetix store (rabbithole) to fix the earlier stages.
To access nanobots, purchase crais from the vending machine and apply it from your sims inventory. Then you can navigate to the new crais pie menu when clicking on your sim. 

To upkeep your sims cyberware, there will be an interaction in the cybernetix pie menu to tune up cybernetix. This interaction will only be visible when your sims have the deteriorated cybernetix moodlets.




If you do not fix the cyberware and let the deterioration advance, then your sim will go into Cyberpsychosis.
In this state, you will have little to no control over your sim.
They will be very emotional and more prone to mean socials.
You can send them to their cybernetix store to get their cyberpsychosis fixed… for a very hefty price.
If cyberpsychosis is left untreated for too long, their cyberware will eventually fry their brain and the sim will die.

The interaction to fix cyberpsychosis can be found in the cybernetix menu whilst the sim is experiencing cyberpsychosis.


Sims who have the Cybernetix HUD installed can also access the neural network.
They can perform many different interactions such as chatting with other sims, browsing the web and also paying bills.
However, the neural network is prone to viruses just as the normal web is. 

To access the neural network, you can find the interaction ‘Jack into the Neural Net’ under the Neural Network part of the cybernetix menu.
Once they jack in, that same menu will now have all of the network interactions.
They can also ‘Jack Out of the Neural Net’ to turn it off.


Everytime your sim uses the neural network, whether they are protected or not, they have a chance of being infected with a cybervirus.
These can range from annoying pop up ads to more extreme and damaging viruses which can steal money and make your sim pass out. 

You can catch an early stage cybervirus by performing the interaction ‘Run Diagnostic Scan’ and it will be removed.
Once a cybervirus progresses past a certain stage, it can no longer be removed remotely and you will have to pay a cyberstore to remove it for you.
If you don’t notice an early stage virus, it will become physically visible.
For example, a red glow around your sims head.
You will also notice the negative side effects of that specific virus, such an energy drain or pop ups.


To help combat cyberviruses, you can purchase a weekly subscription to a cybersecurity company.
These range from cheap and nasty to premium, good protection.
The cheaper the cybersecurity, the less chance of protection you have from cyberviruses. It’s still better than nothing though! 

To purchase cybersecurity, you can navigate to the cybersecurity menu in the cybernetix menu. You will get a pop up asking you which one you would like to buy, and you will be charged weekly on fridays.


You can choose if your sim likes or dislikes cybernetix in CAS as a trait. They will react to and have social interactions with sims wearing cybernetix depending on their preference for them.

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