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Sexuality Modpack  

Upload: 13 Apr 2022, 18:35
Created by: neilsimming
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Sexuality Modpack

Modpack Because when Sims choose their sexuality, they learn more about themselves, becoming confident and aware of their true selves. With this mod will appear.

Choice of preferences:

  • Asexuality, bisexuality, homosexuality, pansexuality, heterosexuality.
  • Sexuality Festival 
  • Clothing, accessories
  • Decorations and game items
  • Trait Homophobe
  • New character interactions and reactions

All CAS elements are the following flags:
- Gay Pride flag;
- Bisexual Pride Flag;
- Asexual Pride Flag;
- Flag of Pansexual Pride;
- Straight Pride Flag

New Trait
This trait will make Sims disgusted by non-straight Sims. They will answer questions about sexuality in a mean way, and will be frustrated and uncomfortable if a Sim walks up to them giving stereotypical answers.

New events!
There are two new social events! "Sexuality Festival" and events "come out to your parents." Let's check them out!

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  1. h
    hinata [Users]
    13 October 2023 20:52


  2. a
    asdas [Guests]
    5 May 2023 17:25
