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Courtney Sanchez  

Upload: 03 Sep 2023, 21:28
Created by: SocialOwl [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Courtney Sanchez

At the height of a seemingly ideal life, Courtney enjoys the comforts of marriage to an incredibly wealthy man, a stunning home and an affectionate relationship with her stepson. However, the plot of her life takes an unexpected turn when the grandmother who raised her during her childhood passes away, leaving Courtney confronted not only with loss, but also with a responsibility that forces her to question the image of perfection she has built up: how to fit her younger sister, a rebellious soul, into this meticulously constructed family?

Age: 35

Occupation: None

Breast Mesh: dumbaby's Female breast meshes Version 2

NC4T Pickpocketing Mod (01.06.2024) 300 KB

NC4T Pickpocketing Mod (01.06.2024) NSFW

18 Mar 2022
4 374

Ever wanted your Ne'er-do-well Sims to be able to make some Simoleons by stealing from others and live off that? I did, but the pickpocketing interaction the game offers is only available with the Criminal Career.

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