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Jodie Red  

Upload: 03 Sep 2023, 21:44
Created by: CHECOX2 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Jodie Red

Name: Jodie Red

Age: 19 years old

Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy

Traits: Islander Blood, Self-Assured, Creative

Description: At 19 years old, Jodie Red embodies audacity and determination in her pursuit of a life filled with opulence and success. Her aspiration to become fabulously wealthy reflects her longing for abundance and luxury. With a blend of island tranquility, self-assurance, and innate creativity, Jodie is destined to make a lasting impression on the world.

Raised on the islands, Jodie carries with her the warmth and serene spirit that characterize those who have grown up surrounded by nature. This heritage has endowed her with a serenity and a connection to the world that gives her a unique perspective in her pursuit of wealth.

Self-assurance is a distinctive quality of Jodie. She knows what she wants and will stop at nothing to achieve it. Her confidence in her own abilities and her bold approach make her a formidable competitor in the world of business and opportunities.

Jodie is also a creative force. Her ability to think innovatively and see possibilities where others do not gives her an edge in her efforts to amass wealth. Her original approach and willingness to take risks make her a brilliant mind always seeking new ways to thrive.

While she has left behind contact with her older sister, Amber Red, since her marriage to Black Rose, Jodie continues on her own path towards wealth and greatness. Her determination is unwavering, and her vision of a fabulously wealthy life is her constant guide as she navigates the world with confidence and boldness.

With her beauty, intelligence, and ambition, Jodie Red is a young woman striving to achieve opulence and success in all its forms. Her island heritage, self-assuredness, and creativity make her a unique soul destined to leave her mark on the world and make an unforgettable impression in her pursuit of wealth and fulfillment.

Holiday Tradition: Have Sex 4 KB

Holiday Tradition: Have Sex NSFW

12 Jun 2022
3 215

Didn't you have enough traditional traditions? Then here's another one! Using this tradition in planning the holiday, the partner characters will have to have sex before it ends in order to get a positive moodlet, well, and enjoy intimate communication with a significant other, of course !

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