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Skin Details: Razor Bumps 

Upload: 17 Dec 2023, 14:11
Created by: Simdulgence
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Skin Details: Razor Bumps

This skin detail adds razor bumps to your sim's groin to simulate the appearance of shaved pubic hair.

I opted to make these a skin detail, rather than a body hair design, for a few reasons. I know that not every player will want to see razor bumps on their sim when a sim shaves; adding razor bumps as the default lowest level of hair growth would force that choice on all players, which I didn't want. Also, using the razor bumps as a skin detail allows them to be paired with a variety of body hair shapes for more variety.

The razor bumps are designed to work with my 2.0 body hair. They sit almost invisibly under the largest pubic hair designs, or they can be paired with smaller/unique pubic hair for a partially shaved appearance.

The razor bumps also work nicely with my other skin details (such as the iliac furrows). Although they were designed to work with my default skin replacements, they should be compatible with other CC skins.

The razor bumps are available for male and female sims, and can be found in the Body Skin Details area. They use the "Body Freckles" slot (which appears at the top of the Skin Details section).

Kyoko Roswell 161.39 MB

Kyoko Roswell NSFW

28 Jul 2023
2 032

KYOKO ROSWELL, a girl who was tricked into being TED ROSWELL's 2 wife, when she found out how evil he was, she ran away with KLEA, a girl she met at the club

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