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BreastCancerMod V4.3a  

Upload: 26 Apr 2022, 15:29
Last updated: 17-09-2022, 00:27
Created by: sexybeast12162 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Version updated - 17-09-2022, 00:27 » [Aqxaro]
BreastCancerMod V4.3a


Hello everyone today im releasing V2.5 of my Breast Cancer Mod 

in this version i have added interactions on the computer to talk to the doctor there are 2 interactions and they both give you buffs.

i also added a venue so you can create a Cancer centre for yourself.

im going through the breast cancer with my mom right now so i wanted to create this mod i hope you guys in joy the mod like i do thank you all.

and i no people are going to ask what this mod does it basically adds buffs to your female or male sim pain because they are going thorough the cancer and interactions to a doctor on the computer and like i said before i wanted to create it for my mom as she is going though it as well.

I'm release Version 3.0 witch is an update and made some changes to the mod. i fixed a few issues that would cause some issues with trait and social interactions and the computer.Also i made some changes to the computer functions as well so when you talk to the doctor to get results he charges you after the conversation i hope you all like what i did this will be the last update for this mod and i hope to release the other updates this coming week i just have a lot on my plate thank you all for the patients.

Ask About Sexual Quirks 15.99 KB

Ask About Sexual Quirks NSFW

23 Apr 2022
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Are you missing specific character preferences? Then download this mod! It adds a new romantic interaction, after which your character's interlocutor will talk about their preferences in sex.

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