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RedAppleNet 2.0.8 / 2.0.3d (22.04.2023)  

Upload: 21 Mar 2022, 09:07
Last updated: 27-04-2023, 18:58
Created by: Ksuihuh [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Version updated - 27-04-2023, 18:58 » [Aqxaro]
RedAppleNet 2.0.8 / 2.0.3d (22.04.2023)

=RedAppleNet= Part-Time Active Career Mod (22.04.2023)
2.0.8 (22.04.2023)
Public : 2.0.3d (10.11.2022)

Requires: Get to Work, WickedWhims

This mod adds a part-time active career in the company cybersex. You will spend your day having sexual conversations with clients on chats and on the phone, and maybe even have private video sessions. However, this company does not have the best reputation, so climbing the career ladder will be almost impossible. You may have to suck up to a rather sleazy boss to get the promotion you want.

This is a short description of the mod and its features. It's up to you to discover all of its features.
Some installation steps are quite intricate so, please check out Important Notes or Change Log.

If you have any problems, please read the FAQ and if you still do not find the solution to your problem, message me on the Discord in RedAppleNet Channel.

Russian translation by Korso: Download
Spanish translation by JBunny: Download
German translation by Tom Bacler: Download
German translation by LittleDog1002: Download
Polish translation by astercholik: Download

Patreon version:
Download RedAppleNet 1.2.5 (01/29/2021)
Download RedAppleNet 1.3.0 (03/11/2021)
Download RedAppleNet 1.3.1 (29.03.2021) for 1.70-1.76
Download RedAppleNet 1.3.2 (26.07.2021) for 1.80
Download RedAppleNet 2.0.5 (13.10.2022) for 1.91-1.92
Download RedAppleNet 2.0.6 (10.11.2022) for 1.91-1.93+
Download RedAppleNet 2.0.7 (22.11.2022) for 1.91-1.93+

Download RedAppleNet 2.0.8 (22.04.2023) for 1.97+ (latest version)

Public versions :
Download RedAppleNet 1.1.3a (08.06.2020) for 1.64
Download RedAppleNet 1.1.4a ( 10.08.2020) for 1.65
Download RedAppleNet 1.1.4b (05.09.2020) for 1.66
Download RedAppleNet 1.1.4c (14.10.2020) for 1.67
Download RedAppleNet 1.1.5a (14.11.2020) for 1.68
Download RedAppleNet 1.1.5b (09.12. 2020) for 1.69
Download RedAppleNet 1.1.5c (15.12.2020) for 1.69
Download RedAppleNet 1.1.5d (01/19/2021) for 1.70-1.76
Download RedAppleNet 1.1.5e (07/26/2021) for 1.80
Download RedAppleNet 2.0.1 (15.05.2022) for 1.87+
Download RedAppleNet 2.0.2a (05/25/2022) for 1.88+
Download RedAppleNet 2.0.3 (07/30/2022) for 1.90+
Download RedAppleNet 2.0.3b (10/13/2022) for 1.92
Download RedAppleNet 2.0.3b (11/10/2022) for 1.93+
(latest version)

RedAppleNet is not as perfect as AEP, so you have to deal with injustice and a rather sloppy boss. It would be nearly impossible to end your day with a gold award without hard work and staying late.However, you can choose another way to get what you want. You can try to seduce your boss and earn a promotion that way. To do this, simply follow the third chain in your workday tasks.
Don't try to have sex with your boss without a proper job! This will not affect the progress of your work in any way!

The career has three levels. And each level has its own user interactions. They will be available to your Sim during the work day.

Most of them are marked with the RedAppleNet icon. Under most tasks during the workday, there is a tooltip that will let you know what interaction you need to complete in order to complete the task.

This mod is in no way a realistic representation of reality. These are all my fanfictions and fanfictions.

Before you start a career, you need to put RedAppleNet in the world's venue. You can download the venue below (Underground Version). Just follow the installation instructions. This mod overrides several in-game CAS and build elements, but it shouldn't conflict with anything. If you are using any other VenueLists, remove them and keep only KsuihuhVenueList.


You can find all the objects you need in the venue requirements, but you need to use special chairs as some NPCs are bound to them! Put the boss chair in the boss's office and so on, otherwise they won't be able to do their job. Also make sure video chat operators have separate offices as they need privacy to do their jobs. And don't forget to put a computer at the front desk for the administrator!

Installation :
1. Download only one version of the mod.
2. Extract the files from the system .zip file.
3. Put the package file AND the ts4script file in the Mods folder. To do this, go to Documents > Electronic Arts >> The Sims 4 >>> Mods>>> . 
4. Make sure you only have one copy of Neia_Career_Commons.
5. Download Redapplenetoffice (above)
6. Make sure scripted Mods are enabled in your game. To do this, go to the game settings, click game options, others and see if script mods are allowed.



17 Dec 2023
6 994

18 swatches (includes swatches witht band aid heart) all lods Compatible with HQ mod Found this on - top

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