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Upload: 10 May 2022, 13:25
Created by: CUUPID [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

100% new mesh and textures
all LODS
5 swatches for apron (found in full body category)
5 swatches for panties (found in tights/leggings category)
HQ compatible

OOVO - Bondage Animations 196.46 kB

OOVO - Bondage Animations NSFW

20 Nov 2024
5 276

I've been learning how to make basic animations for the Sims 4 using blender and decided to share what I have so far. These animations will start out very bare bones as I am completely new to animating, but am enjoying it so far.

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  1. A
    Anna [Guests]
    5 September 2022 23:52

    Can you tell me where the hair is from?