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Horny (Nympho Trait) 1.0.1  

Upload: 18 May 2022, 11:46
Created by: Netwiset [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Hello together, this is my Horny-Cas-Trait. First planned to use by myself only but now I like to share it with the Community.

This trait gives your sim a permanently +2 Flirty buff.

It also contains a broadcaster to make others flirty too.
Attached to a female sim every male within a range of 4 Tiles will gain a +4 Flirty Buff.
Attached to a male sim every female within a range of 4 tiles will gain a +1 Flirty Buff. (Yes females a harder do impress)

This broadcaster has several exeptions. In the list below you can see which sims won't get a flirty buff if next to a horny sim.
- Sims of the same gender.
- Family relatives in straight line.
- Sims your engaged, married, divorced or you have broken up engagement.
- Sims with loner trait.
- Sims with family oriented trait.
- Toddlers, babies and childs.

I've planned to make this trait buyable in the reward store. But all my tries failed or had other negative effects. The Tutorials I found were all a little bit to outdated.
The preparations for this are still in this package so if you don't want to waste a cas-trait-slot you can attache this trait by this command "traits.equip_trait NymphoTrait" (I think you have to have testing-cheats enabled to do this.)

This package has a horny-smell-trait too. It was planned to make this one buyable in the reward store and I had the same issues with this. Like the planned buyable NymphoTrait it is still in this package and can be attached by this command "traits.equip_trait NymphoSmell"

The Nympho Smell is a little bit different to the Nympho Trait. It doesn't give your sim a permanently Flirty Buff. It has only a broadcaster range of 2 tiles and gives target males a +2 Flirty Buff and target Females a +1 Flirty Buff.

The exeptions are the same like in the list above.

Future Plans:
Make the Nympho Trait buyable in the reward store for 1000 points
Make the Nympho Smell buyable in the reward store for 250 points.
If anyone has a idea how to solve this you can contact me. At present a have no idea how to do this.

Polish translation by astercholik: Download

Pose Nude 20 KB

Pose Nude NSFW

23 Apr 2022
5 286

Some characters have no problem getting naked in public at all. As they say, what is natural is not ugly! This mod adds a rabbit hole for your characters to do nude work for artists.

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