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Smoking and alcohol mod  

Upload: 26 Mar 2022, 07:22
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Smoking and alcohol mod

The Sims 4 mod, in which Sims use smoking and alcohol, is one of the most popular mods in Russia today. It is not clear why this is so. Apparently because smoking in our society is a sign of an adult and everyone wants to imitate them and look independent. In any case, this is nonsense, but we could not lay out the mod. By the way, we are posting the latest version of the modification, in which, after smoking, mood and leisure increase, and it will cost only one simoleon. So let's go.


The author of this mod is a user with the nickname  necrodog, and thanks to him, the Sims world has seen many mods for the game, most of which imitate adult life and the habits of aged people. Smoking and alcohol - including. This mod was made for the third part of the game, and as soon as the fourth came out, it was adapted for it. Initially, drinking with this modification was possible only to cheer up, but now, after refinement, you can get drunk, as they say "in saliva".

The first bottle drunk gives +1 to fun and romance, if you continue, then in the end your sim will overdrink and have a budun (hangover) in the morning. Everything looks quite natural and fun. Over time, the hangover, of course, goes away. This version of the alcohol and smoking mod is suitable for Sims 4 from version and higher. In general, after installing these files, you can have a cheap and fun time. For example, smoking after WooHoo without censorship and getting drunk after some event. For example, after the birth of a child. The mod developer is clearly a man with a sense of humor.

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