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Cemetery Lot Trait  

Upload: 21 Jun 2023, 09:20
Created by: BosseladyTV [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Cemetery Lot Trait

Designate a lot as a cemetery and your Sims can remember those who have passed.

I set my lot as Generic. Sims can visit and will get a small Sadness buff while they are at the Cemetery, but it doesn't last long.

While there, in the Stories section of the interaction menu, they can share stories about Sims who have passed.

Occasionally, spirits may visit around midnight, but it won't be "spooky" unless you add the spooky trait.

Spoiled Trait

Spoiled Trait

02 Jul 2022

This character trait is available to characters from teenagers and older. Now you can play out the finicky and spoiledness of some characters in a particularly realistic way!

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