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Services for Elderly, Youth, & Homeless  

Upload: 21 Jun 2023, 09:26
Created by: BosseladyTV [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Services for Elderly, Youth, & Homeless

The Sim City Department of Sim Services provides shelters for homeless Sims, homes for youth who have no guardian, aide for needy Sims, and aide for elderly Sims. If you know of Sims in need, please let them know that they should contact our office ASAP.

Sometimes Sims need help - now they can get it from the Sim City Department of Sim Services! This mod is designed for storytelling.

If you like this mod, you may also like Donate Plasma, found here!

NEW: Now this mod also contains an ELDER HOME Lot Trait!

(Similar to a retirement home or nursing home, this trait is designed specifically so elders can enjoy their final years in a safe, secure home, and not be a burden on their loved ones.)

What's Included:

This mod contains 2 "Careers" for Sims and 2 Challenge Lot Traits, plus 1 Lot Trait.

You can download the optional buildings here - 

Homeless Shelter

Youth Group Home

  1. Elder Home Lot Trait - Designate a home as an "Elder Home". This lot will receive a discount on power and water bills, plus the Elder Sims who live here will get a boost on some skills, such as creative pursuits. However, they may tire more easily and spend more time in the bathroom. Additionally, they can chat with others about "when I was young ...".
  2. Homeless Shelter Challenge Lot Trait - Provided by the Sim City Dept. of Sim Services, shelters provide Sims with safety and protection from exposure to the weather. However, Sims may feel grungy and may become ill if they stay too long.
  3. Youth Group Home Challenge Lot Trait - Provided by the Sim City Dept. of Sim Services, group homes provide baby, toddler, child, and teen Sims with safety and care in a home-like environment. However, Sims may feel sad that they do not have a "real" family.
  4. SimAide - The Temporary Aide for Needy Sims program, called SimAide, administered by the Sim City Dept. of Sim Services, provides benefits to Sims without regard to race, creed, or national origin. Weekly benefits are paid to unemployed Sims who do not have the resources to meet their everyday needs by Sim City standards.
    • Available for UNEMPLOYED Young Adult and Adult Sims.
    • Sims can perform ODD JOBS or sell CRAFTED ITEMS for additional income.
    • Available for Child and Teen Sims if they quit school!
  5. SimSecurity - The Aide for Elderly Sims program, called SimSecurity, administered by the Sim City Dept. of Sim Services, provides benefits to elderly Sims without regard to race, creed, or national origin. Weekly benefits are paid to elders who do not have the resources to meet their everyday needs by Sim City standards.
    • Available for UNEMPLOYED Elder Sims.
      • Sims can perform ODD JOBS or sell CRAFTED ITEMS for additional income.
Yellow Happiness

Yellow Happiness

17 Mar 2023

What does the mod do: Swaps the colors of the Happy and Embarrassed emotions, so happiness will be yellow, which just feels right to me. I think Embarrassed also works quite well with green.

School Milestones Addon 70.10 KB

School Milestones Addon

18 Mar 2022
1 532

I wanted my sim children and teens to have a few more milestones in their school life. So now you can send them to prom (teens), school dance (child), schedule graduation ceremony with attendees (teens)

Home Repair: Stained Walls

Home Repair: Stained Walls

01 Sep 2022

Why do you have to inspect them before cleaning them? Because that gives you the freedom to choose when they become cleanable. Otherwise your sims will go around doing it on their own when you might want it to stay messy for a bit.

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