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Upload: 21 Jun 2023, 09:29
Created by: lilyvalleycc [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

A Librarian assists people to search for information. They also do research for both professional and personal use. A Librarian's duties may depend on the type of library they are employed with. A Librarian works in many different places - colleges. universities, museums and local government.

A Librarian career with a main track with 5 levels and then two career branches: Academic Librarian and Archivist. . More career information can be found HERE.

Take Late Pregnancy Test

Take Late Pregnancy Test

21 Apr 2022
1 051

Do your Sims never discover their pregnancy on time? Usually in the game they learn about it after 24 hours, unless of course they systematically wanted to conceive a child. However, this may sometimes not happen if you are using third party mods.

Autonomous "Ask to Move In"

Autonomous "Ask to Move In"

05 May 2022

This mod allows for any sim to autonomously invite to move in with them. This means even your sim could autonomously ask another to move in with you. Of course if it is a homeless sim, this option I doubt will even appear so while testing make sure you know if the sims have a home or not.

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