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Keto Cookbook v.1.2  

Upload: 07 Jul 2023, 15:32
Created by: Balkanika [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Keto Cookbook v.1.2

NOTE: This mod alone does NOT include any recipes, you need to install them separately for them to show up in the menus.

Keto Cookbook is basically an enabler which allows you to  cook my custom keto recipes. This mod will be updated with each new recipe added, so you'll need to make sure you keep it up-to-date to see all new recipes. You have two options - a classic cookbook, or a cooking tablet. Both items can be found under Small Appliances and cost 250$.
The cookbook comes in 10 different recolors, the tablet comes in 4.

All recipes that belong to this cookbook are low calorie and boost the health nut lifestyle!

Trait Overhaul

Trait Overhaul

24 Mar 2022
1 278

This mods tweaks the existing traits to make them more meaningful. Sims will do better or worse in certain/all careers, at school and/or at university based on their traits. Traits will also influence autonomy and skill gain.

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