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BG - Walkby Overhaul  

Upload: 13 Apr 2022, 16:16
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
BG - Walkby Overhaul

This mod now needs INJECTION TOOLSby BrainBlasted

That mod overrides too many resources from the game and conflicts with too many things, I don't like to do it... so I reworked it to inject the filters, instead. As a result, this mod should now reduce the risk of conflicting to a minimum, in fact... it should not conflict with anything at all. 

Works the same as before, but better... you'll see only residents around in residential neighbourhood, less sims from other world in general in venues too, the game will always try to pick residents first. Place some sims not in world to not reduce too much the walkby around. 

Important jobs should not be affected.


- Should block the Sages from showing around

- Occults will be more rare in general, they're not blocked though

- Strangerville Infected Sims are blocked from appearing in other places

Also includes Don't turn NPCs into spellcasters (which should block no occult sims from being turned altogether but still doesn't work with NPCC... if you have NPCC, sims from non played other households (not in world) can still be turned into spellcasters from the game.

- Glimmerbrook and Forgotten Hollow are restricted to mages and vampires, if you place non mages or vampire in those world, though, they will show up as walkby... if you want your source of blood in FH, place a family of non vampires there, they'll be naively strolling around... so the restriction is flexible. Non Occult NPCS should also show up in venues, to block the, the best method is using LMSSam lot traitHERE 

This mod should also inject Dog Walkers and Strays in other worlds (not many though)

Benefit of updating to this version:

The mod will not need to be removed every patch because Maxis added something to the filters. The filters altered are very few (the chess player to be Adults and up, and the Dancers to remove Elders from nightclubs, that's all) all the others are modified via injection.

Both the old version of this mod and Celebrity Quarantine will now be unsupported.

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22 Mar 2022

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