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Restrict Clubs by University!  

Upload: 22 Jul 2023, 11:24
Created by: alisrabbo [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

20/07/2023 - Updated for (Horse ranch patch)


There was some issue with milestones and custom careers that causes a recurring LE. As this mod is a dummy career, I didn't want it to trigger any milestones anyway. So I've added an additional package that excludes this from being recognised as a milestone-triggering career. Please download it if you want to use this mod, or else you might get a bug that prevents you from loading affected households and gets stuck in saves, meaning you would have to roll back your save!!!


27/03/2023 - Updated for Growing Together


Hi guys! So I was finally able to find a way to set the University your sims attend as a club requirement! Now you can easily create as many university clubs as you want.

How does it work?

The mod comes with 2 dummy careers: UBrite Student and  Foxbury Student.  These careers do not have working hours, salaries or promotions. They simply exist for you to select them as a career restriction in the club panel.

Every sim enrolled in a university has the University Student trait. I have added 2 buffs to this trait but both buffs come with tests. One tests for enrollment in University of Britechester and the other for enrollment in Foxbury Institute. Only the buff that corresponds to the university that the sim is enrolled in will be added. This buff will automatically have the sim join the appropriate career for the university (sims need to be instanced for the buff to be added.  for your active sim you will need to trigger a loading screen. for any other sim they just need to arrive in the neighbourhood your sim is in. you can invite them if you know them or use MCCC to summon them).

The careers are set up as part time jobs, so they don't prevent your sims from having 1 other part time job. If you'd like to have more however, or want a full time job alongside university, I recommend getting the Unlimited Jobs Mod. This way you'll be able to give your sims as many jobs as you like.

If your sim drops out or graduates, the career will be automatically quit.

Known issues:

The icons are acting up. I'll try to sort them out but they don't affect anything.

XMLs modified:

228185 trait_Hidden_UniversityStudent

222482 loot_UniversityEnrollment_Dropout

222584 loot_UniversityEnrollment_Graduated

Big thanks to the Sims 4 Studio team as usual for their wonderful tool :)

All Kinds of Ice Cream from the Fridge

All Kinds of Ice Cream from the Fridge

30 Jun 2022

This mod adds all kinds of Ice Cream to the Fridge. Now your Sims needn't buy Sweet Tooth Ice Cream Machine if they just want an Ice Cream bowl or cone. All recipes are unlocked and available to all ages. Ice Cream is available in Have a Quick Meal Fridge pie-menu.

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