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Homebased Daycare Mod v4.0  

Upload: 14 Apr 2022, 08:49
Created by: WICKED PIXXEL [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Homebased Daycare Mod v4.0

Ever dreamed of having your own private kindergarten at home? Would you like to be a teacher and take care of the kids?
Let's take a closer look at what needs to be done to open a kindergarten.

- You will need to give your character the Kindergarten Teacher trait. Now you will have access to many interesting and new interactions in relation to the little wards. For example, you can ask to eat porridge if the baby is naughty, send him to sleep or wash his hands before eating, and even calm down a noisy fidget. By the way, the most effective way to rein in a little varmint is to threaten to call your parents. Some interactions will give your character interesting moodlets.
- Then organize a "Private Kindergarten" event. It will be available on both residential and community lots, in case your Sim wants to set up a garden next to their house.
- In total, 2 groups will be available: the younger one for kids and the older one for older children.
- Just keep in mind that you will definitely need to communicate with the kids and get to know them, otherwise they will not appear in the selection menu.
- You will also earn a pretty good amount for each event (shift).
- And of course, there will be rewards for a well-run event in the form of surprises, including cute toys for your kindergarten!

This Event Has 9 Goals:
-Get to know a child
-Discuss interests with a child
-Share idea with a child
-Clean a toddler
-Give toddler food (from inventory)
-Check up on a toddler
-Ask a child what they learned
-Tell a child it's snack time
-Ask child if they're ready to have fun today

To see where to find these interactions just hover over the goal to see the "Tooltip".

New Social Interactions Available: Use the "Daycare Center" menu.

Small Laundry Overhaul

Small Laundry Overhaul

25 Jun 2022

Clothes of Sims without the Lazy/Slob Traits get autonomously be thrown in the Hamper. With this Mod Part there will be always a Clothing Pile generated. Also only at least used Clothes will get genereated instead of clean Clothes you can’t wash.

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