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Club Gatherings Anywhere (Script Edition)  

Upload: 23 Oct 2023, 19:54
Created by: BluuberryBonanza24 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Club Gatherings Anywhere (Script Edition)

What is it?
This mod will allow your Sims to start a Club Gathering on ANY lot. This includes but isn't limited to Generic Lots, Hidden Lots (Cave/Grotto), as well as places that normally wouldn't allow clubs, such as the career lots, Police Station (Law Enforcement Career), Doctors Lot (Doctors Career), and Studio Lot (Actors Career) and many more!

Required Mods
Bluuberry Library - This is required for the mod to function!

Will this conflict with other mods?
No, this mod will not conflict with other mods.

Where can changes be seen in-game?
Normally when you try to start a Club Gathering on a lot Club Gatherings are not allowed on, you'll receive a message stating as such. Now, instead of seeing that message, the Club Gathering will simply start as normal.

Neighborhood Stories

Neighborhood Stories

23 Mar 2022

There's a separate module for each NS feature. Only choose 1 file for each feature, but you can totally mix and match different types of solutions for different features (e.g. disable one feature, just fix another and restrict another feature to never played sims).

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